Recommend a friend to ecm.

We're always keen to hear from people we may be able to help, and we show our appreciation to candidates who introduce us.

Recommendation for Lead Software Developer (27343)

Our Recommendation Scheme

Once we are working with you as a candidate, for each person new to us that you recommend, who registers with us and then joins a new company through ecm within 12 months of your recommendation, we'll send you a "thank you" cheque for £250 once we receive payment from the client.
Please do check with each person you recommend that they're happy to be contacted by us.

About you

I'm not a robot

Personal data

We value your trust, and take data protection seriously. Read about our approach, feel free to ask us questions, and you can opt out at any time.

About your friend

If your friend has a preferred daytime contact number, that is ideal.