Gaps persist in the job market for certain candidate profiles, including a new round of graduate engineers as well as senior managers considering new challenges. Mid-level career hiring is also not remotely close to its peak, with limited opportunities for those considering new positions. It would be fair to say that fewer immediate options are available on average - and some people are underserved by the job market as it stands.
Yet we're seeing great interest from a variety of tech companies in senior engineers, particularly (as often) in software, with highlights from companies in the applied sciences, engineering, the energy sector and logistics. Cross-discipline skillsets are certainly in demand. Interest is likewise high from senior candidates, though it is taking time to find that perfect fit for both sides.
If you're looking for that next role, it is a good time for conversation with a trusted recruiter who can give you a view of the marketplace, what is possible, and what may pique your interest.